Thanks for the invitation!
A great workshop is a team effort between me, the studio, and the students. I aim to create a win-win-win experience for all. Please email me if you have any questions about the information below. Looking forward to sharing this powerful practice with you and your community.
Xx Lizzie
Props are essential to the practice of Restorative yoga. No props, no Restorative. It’s that simple. Therefore, as a requirement, each student will need the following props. Check here for updated links to my favorite products.
1 Yoga Mat
1 Bolster - Round or Rectangular
5 Blankets - Mexican are great, 200 x 150cm is the best size.
2 Blocks - 4 inch Foam
1 Strap - Cotton D-Ring
1 Eyebag - Piccolo (students should bring their own)
1 Yoga Chair
This list looks overwhelming. I know. Some studios ask students to bring some or all of the props. Some studios offer a bundle deal to buy a prop set with workshop enrollment.
A special note about chairs. The best chairs for yoga do not have a front strut. This means we can use them for fun poses like Restorative Plow Pose - Supported Halasana.
If your studio doesn’t have yoga chairs, we need this minimum list:
1 regular chair for every 2 students
1 yoga chair for me to demonstrate
Please do not underestimate the amount of space we need to comfortably practice Restorative yoga. If your space can fit 60 yogis mat-to-mat, then 45 is the maximum for Restorative. Over-sold workshops tend to backfire as the students complain about feeling crowded. Please discuss your thinking about numbers with me.
Restorative yoga works best in beautiful and quiet places. Please organize the following with the venue:
Wireless headset microphone
Speakers for music
I often have a few assistants attend the training to support the students. They do not take up mat space, and don’t incur any expenses for the workshop. Please check with me if you’d like to invite anyone else to assist.
I usually bring pieces from my Spirit Jewelry line to sell after the workshop. This doesn’t take up program time, and will be entirely managed by me or my assistants.
Creature Comforts
I like to minimize commuting and stay close to the venue. I’m also willing to save the expense of an Airbnb and stay with the studio owner, if I can have my own bedroom.
If I’m staying in an Airbnb, studios sometimes source groceries for me. I’m mostly vegetarian and eat gluten. Here’s a sample shopping list. Please buy organic when possible:
Cottage cheese, Kefir, Feta cheese, Plain whole fat yogurt, Eggs, Hummus, Spinach and lettuce (pre-washed would be nice), seasonal vegetables and fruit (whatever looks like it has the most prana), Avocados, Tomatoes (only in season), Cucumber, Olives (black greek), Lemons (3 please!), Fresh herbs ( parsley, cilantro, or chives), Creamy salad dressing (favorite is tahini goddess dressing - high quality oils please), Basmati rice, Crackers (your favorite delicious kind), Edamame and peas (frozen), and chocolate (with almonds is my favorite). Thanks!